Course Description
Jermaine Harris
It took a major car accident – and then one year later nearly having his leg amputated – to turn Jermaine Harris’ life around. Prior to this, Jermaine had been living a self-destructive lifestyle of excessive drinking, gambling and womanizing. At times, he drank as many as 24 bottles of wine and vodka per week, was in nightclubs 6 nights of the week, and was £30,000+ in debt. When firemen cut him from the wreckage of a car, it shook him up momentarily as he thought he’d never walk again. But it was a football accident a year later – when he was told, “You may have to lose your leg” – that finally convinced him to change his life. Since then, Jermaine, who has a Sports Psychology BSc (Hons) and MSc (Dist), has read over 380 self-help books in the space of 4 years and left behind his destructive lifestyle. In this time; Jermaine got out of debt, lost a stone of Body Fat, put on 10 Pounds of Muscle, cured himself of asthma, ran a Half Marathon and the London Marathon, started a Business, wrote a book, became an award winning speaker, met the woman of his dreams and is now a father.
Course curriculum
The 5 Day Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge Intro
Why I’m doing this for you? How the Challenge works. What to expect from me.
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #1
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #1
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #2
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #2
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #3
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #3
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #4
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #4
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #5
Show Passion and Credibility Speaker Challenge TEA TIME COACHING #5